A charism is a gift from God that enables us to make sense out of life and motivates us to live life fully.
A charism touches the very core of our being. The charism of the Patrician Brothers is marked by a commitment to seeing the face of Christ in all we meet in our daily lives. Our College is committed to this Patrician charism which translates into school life that welcomes all and seeks to build a community of hospitality and inclusion.
A charism is a gift from God that enables us to make sense out of life and motivates us to live life fully.

Patrician Brothers' College enthusiastically builds on the Patrician charism of:
Be welcoming to all
All are equal
Christ to be found in every person
Treat all with respect
Develop a good ability to communicate with everybody
The poor, marginalised, weak and less privileged are ours to support
Aid should be encouraged globally and locally
Become a loving community as God is in the Trinity
Lead through example
Spend time and practise at prayer and meditation
Make this place your home
Commitment to work and service
Bishop Daniel Delany and the Patrician Brothers
A young Irish Priest, Fr Daniel Delany (1747-1814), was appointed to the parish of Tullow in Ireland, towards the end of the 18th century, shortly after his ordination in France.
As a youth growing up in Ireland, Daniel Delany was fortunate in that he had members of his family with sufficient wealth to send him to France for his education. This would have been most unusual in the Ireland of those times, where the vast majority of Catholic children had no access to any formal education. For centuries, Ireland had been ruled from England and was occupied by the British army.
By the Penal Laws, public worship and public education were denied to Catholics until the Act of Catholic Emancipation in 1829. In his time of study and preparation for the priesthood on the continent, Daniel Delany was removed from the atmosphere of discrimination and suppression that was the lot of Catholics generally in 18th century Ireland.
Even though public worship was legally prohibited, most local authorities in the country had given up efforts to prevent Catholics from coming together for Mass on Sundays by the time Fr Delany took up his first Irish appointment. Tullow was a rural parish about 70km south-east from Dublin, in the country of Carlow.
Like most rural parishes of the time, the majority of parishioners of Tullow were uneducated and lived in poverty and hardship. Fr Delany was appalled at the ignorance, poverty, helplessness and the general condition of the people.
He was especially disturbed at the lack of hope there was for young people and he set about doing something to improve their circumstances. He established two confraternities, one for women and one of men, from parishioners who had some ability and willingness to help the young. The initial purpose was to run after-Mass, Sunday school for children to give them a basic understanding of their faith and to prepare them for the sacraments.
Later, some members of the confraternities offered to teach the children and teenagers simple skills in handiwork and sewing. The hope was to gainfully occupy some of their time, to give them an interest and self-confidence, as well as the skills to improve their human condition.
Fr Delany, soon to become Bishop Delany, was a support and mentor to the two confraternities, from whom he invited some to become the foundation members of two new religious orders. Given the economic and social circumstances at the time of foundation, education and formation programs for the pioneer members were very basic, with mere survival as a priority.
However, each new Congregation went its separate way, endeavouring to honour the wishes of the Founder, Bishop Delany. As for the confraternities from which they grew, the religious instruction and general education of the young remained the main focus of their work.
Today, Patrician Brothers' College continues to follow the expression of Daniel Delany's vision.
Our College is distinctively Patrician because our faith in Jesus Christ is not separated from the everyday realities of life. Rather, we seek to recognise and proclaim the presence of Christ in all people and in all of creation.
Rejoicing in hope, through prayer, Eucharist and care for those most in need, as the future unfolds we enthusiastically build on these Patrician traditions.
Today, Patrician Brothers' College continues to follow the expression of Daniel Delany's vision.

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